Claudia Pegus
Top Caribbean Fashion Designer and Couturiere

Claudia Pegus is an iconic fashion designer who stands apart as a resilient and passionate entrepreneur with fierce ambition. This Trinidadian couturiere has ventured to, held her own and built a strong and reputable name in the highly competitive global fashion industry. With a design company, which bears her name and focuses on an exclusive niche market, she caters to a cosmopolitan of local, regional and international dignitaries, public figures, models and celebrities.
"Finding inspiration for a collection is a very tedious and thought-provoking process. One must search the soul for instances and memories that touch, that resonate ..... a moment ...... it came in 2015 .... the illness, death, and disposal of my mother's aches ...... down Moruga I went to bid farewell and to take her back to where "She Ting Was She Own" That trip to Moruga was one of nostalgia. It brought back childhood memories of picking and eating zabouca under the zabouca tree, cocoa tea, fresh fish broth, the sight of country folk dancing the cocoa, listening to the adults speaking patois and the smell of the sea breeze. I joined a lime with some ole folks and enjoyed a meal of boiled provision and sautéed cod fish. This went down with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and I was in heaven. It was too sweet when I listened to the sound of John “Buddy “Williams singing “Mama Don’t You Cry”, “Take Me Down To Los Rios” and Fitz Vaughn Bryan belting out “Me Ting Is Mine” It connected the dots of my family’s heritage. “She Ting” became “Me Ting” I was hooked and I promised my soul I had to go back."
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Claudia Pegus is widely recognized as one of the leading fashion designers in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean. She has earned that distinction not only for the artistic creativity of her designs and the excellent quality of her productions, but also for the demonstrated success of her entrepreneurial skills. These attributes have won her international acclaim and have served to enhance the image and prestige of our nation overseas.
In a partnership between Claudia Pegus and Dr. Auliana Poon, Leve was launched in 2016 at Villa Being, Tobago. Claudia Pegus was the featured fashion designer that year. Click here to learn more about Leve.
A Selection of Designs by Claudia Pegus Featured at Leve 2016