Caribbean Export is the regional trade and investment promotion agency focused on building a resilient Caribbean by providing cutting-edge and high-impact support to the private sector. Through working closely with businesses to increase exports and attract investment, Caribbean Export Development Agency contribute towards the creation of jobs, transformation of economies and support the Caribbean to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
They implement a range of innovative and focused initiatives designed to facilitate Caribbean businesses expansion nationally, regionally and internationally into high value markets whilst taking advantage of special market access. They assist businesses that have the export potential or are already exporting to increase their capacity and competitiveness, to boost export earnings and create jobs.
Contact Information
- Baobab Tower, Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados, W.I.
- +1 (246) 436-0578
- +1 (246) 436-9999
- info@carib-export.com
- carib-export.com