Saint Lucia National Trust – ST. LUCIA

The Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT) is a membership organization established in 1975 to conserve the natural and cultural heritage of Saint Lucia, and to promote values which lead to national pride and love of country.
Over the years, a number of properties of significant natural, cultural or historical significance have been either vested in, or donated by individuals to the Trust for conservation purposes. The Trust’s focus to date has been on the maintenance of these sites as part of the national patrimony, and in advocating the sustainable use and management of Saint Lucia’s natural resources.
The Trust manages protected areas including National Landmarks, Historical Sites, Environmental Protection Areas and Nature Reserves, whether owned or vested in it, and provides recreational and educated opportunities within these areas.
Contact Information
- Saint Lucia National Trust, Pigeon Island National Landmark, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia, W.I.
- 1-758-452-5005
- 1-758-453-2791