Caribbean Coastal Area Management Foundation (C-CAM) – JAMAICA

C-CAM was established in 1997 to promote coastal conservation in Jamaica.
Their mission is to promote sustainable development of the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA) through stakeholder participation in the implementation and management of programmes and projects. This includes executing livelihood enhancement activities for stakeholders as well establishing a sustainable financing programme for C-CAM.
The C-CAM mission is to “Promote sustainable development of the Portland Bight Protected Area (PBPA).” Their major objectives are as follows:
• Clean land, water and air
• Sustainable use of natural resources
• Improved quality of life of residents
• Conserve threatened species, ecosystems
• Community involvement
• Community environmental education
• Providing the best available information
• Financial sustainability
• Efficient and effective institutional capacity
Contact Information
- Bustamante Drive, Lionel Town, Clarendon, Jamaica, W.I.
- (876) 986-3344 / (876) 289-8253
- (876) 986-3956