Bahamas National Trust – THE BAHAMAS

A non-profit, non-government, membership organization that relies on donations to continue conserving and protecting the Bahamian environment.
The caretakers, protectors & voice of The Bahamas’ most precious natural resources.
What they’re up to:
- Managing Unique Spaces – Bringing People to Parks, Safeguarding Natural Resources, Maintaining Special Places. Their goal is a world-class national park system that supports the most important Bahamian biodiversity and provides economic sustainability and climate resilience for people.
- Science that Monitors Impact – Science That Benefits All. They are committed to making our research available to the scientific community, students, teachers, conservation practitioners. resource managers and the general public.
- Engaging Education – Transforming and Engaging Learning Experiences. Bahamas national parks act as the optimal classroom for anyone wanting to learn about nature.
Contact Information
- P. O. Box N-4105, Bay Street Business Centre, Bay St. East Nassau, Bahamas
- (242) 393-1317
- (242) 393-4978